Foppish in France…

Just a quickie today.  I am a halfhearted hunt person…there are very few that I will actually finish; I honestly just don’t have the time or patience for most of them.  That said, I did manage to score a few items at a few of the hunts that are currently in progress.
~Foppish in France~I mashed up two dresses from two hunts and two different stores.  The primary dress I used was the black leather dress; which is the hunt prize from Foppish for the Pimp My Hunters Hunt (look for the pink hat).  Which is fabulous all by itself…but I wanted to gussy it up a bit so I layered it over the *Dawson* dress; the hunt prize from StormCrow Designs for the WomanStuff Hunt (look for the pink mesh tshirt).  I know you can’t really see anything of the Dawson dress except for the fantastic feather flounce…but trust me, it is a head-turning dress; which comes with a matching feather boa.
test niran's_024PM
The skin is also a hunt item from Glam Affair for the WomenStuff Hunt, the clutch is a group gift from COCO DESIGNS, the hair is the latest group gift (Iris/Mahogany) from ChiChickie and the shoes are Venezia from Similar Quality Italian Ladies Shoes (NOT free).

The Other Details

Hands:     Slink Mesh rigged hands Elegant.

Eyes:  Curio Tragic Eyes, Neptune (Large/Shine) (Prim eyes) Sadly not available at this time…HURRY back PLEASE Gala! <3<3

Eyeliner:     LpD  Prim Eyeliner (black)

Prim Eyelashes:  *REDGRAVE* Eyelashes- 11-Showgirl

Mesh Eyelashes:  ::BB:: (Beetlebones) Mesh Lashes V.01 (SLEB Black)

Beauty Marks:  [:T:] Beauty Marks tattoo layers (layer option 2) [:Tuli:]

Teeth: KIKI (Came with a skin I bought from them)

Poses:  Diesel Works Poses and Animations …Olivia pose pack (group gift)

First pic shot on location at Chateau de Versailles2 and the second pic was shot on location at FRANCE ~~Paris Eiffel~~Paris 1900

She’s a Beetlebones Hamster Magician at the Etchaflesh Circus…

She's a Beetlebones Hamster the Etchaflesh Circus

I’ve seen these cute little critters all over the grid and meant to get back to the Arcade Event to score one…but it just didn’t happen.  While out and about gathering landmarks for items…I ended up in one of my favorite little stores…Beetlebones.  Suetabulous has a funky little place full of her whimsical, eclectic creations…and much to my surprise, I discovered that these hamsters were created by her!  She has a gatcha display board where you can still pay the 100L to take your chance on getting one of several different coat types (mine is Siberian Cocoa).  For that 100L you get the adorable avatar (it is mesh so you will need a mesh enabled viewer) AND a fabulous AO that just has the most adorable animations in it.  Sue also has a really cute Winter Bunny Avatar gatcha board for only 50L.

I also stumbled on the fun little [Etchaflesh/Virtual Props] Trick and Treats Hunt being hosted by the owners of [Etchaflesh] and Virtual Props & Poses.  You don’t have to join the group to participate in the hunt, but if you do…it is free to join; with frequent sales and perks.  [Etchaflesh] specializes in gorgeous mesh corsets and Virtual Props & Poses has a wide range of poses and props; unlike any I’ve seen around the grid.  Collect 25 candies on your Hunt HUD and redeem them at the prize kiosks for either corsets or a fun pose/prop pack…I chose the Magician pack; which comes with several hats (with and without doves), the wand, and several poses.  The best part is that the poses and props were compatible with my hamster avi…with just minor fitting of the hat and wand.  I also picked up the fabulous circus background texture at the hunt…in the Virtual Props & Poses store…for FREE!! Gotta just love that <3<3


The candies aren’t hard to find…and you can go back each day to collect another 25 candies and redeem them for another prize!

The Details

Dwarf Hamster Avatar (Siberian Cocoa): 100L gatcha @ Beetlebones

[Virtual Props] The Magician Pose Set:  Hunt prize from the [Etchaflesh/Virtual Props] Tricks and Treats Hunt

[Virtual Props] Dark Carnival Studio Background:  Free for anyone (not group tag needed) @ Virtual Props & Poses